If you have an old vehicle in your name that you no longer want and it does not hold enough value to make it worth trying in your free time, you might find yourself wondering what you will be able to do with it. How can you get rid of it if there is not likely to be a lot of people that are interested in it? Well, it can be simple if you just consider using one of the following tips:
Scrap It For Cash
You can call around to all of the different scrap yards to see who can give you the most money for your vehicle. The exact amount of money that they will be able to offer you will be based on their individual rules, the current value of scrap metal, and whether they have to come pick it up from you. If you are able to drive the vehicle to them, you might be able to get a little more money for it because you save them time and the expense of running their tow truck to pick it up.
Donate It To A Worthy Cause
There are many worthy causes out there. You will simply have to pick which one pulls on your heart strings enough or what is available in your area. For example, after looking around, you might find that there are some domestic violence shelters that accept donated vehicles. Some might even be willing to put the time and money into fixing some up if they are in need of some repairs to make them road worthy. The purpose is to make sure that those who have fled violent homes have a means of transportation for their children or so they can get back and forth from work as they try to establish a new life for themselves.
Check To See If The Local High School Wants It
Call around to your local high schools to see if any of them would like to receive your vehicle as a donation. If the schools have an automotive mechanics program, they might be able to put your vehicle to good use. It will allow the students some first-hand experience fixing and replacing various parts on a vehicle.
Just make sure that you are obtaining a receipt should you decide to donate the vehicle. This is because you might be able to use it as a tax write off at the end of the year. Contact a company like City Auto Wreckers for more information and assistance.